1'st ZipCommander 12/10/2008

by admin December 11, 2008 at 8:42 pm

1’st ZipCommander is a packing center, internet browser with 10 windows and file manager – all in one.

Extracting more then 30 archive files
(Ace, Arc, ArcExe, Arj, ArjExe, Bh, BhExe, Cab, Enc, Gzip, Ha, Jar, Lha, LhaExe, Lzh, LzhExe, MsGz, Pak, PakExe, Rar, RarExe, Tar, UUE, XXE, Z, Zip, ZipExe, ZipMv, Zoo, ZooExe).

Internet browser with 10 windows
10+1 startup and searching page, content expansion (10% – 400%), fast and safe (scripts, java applets, deny picture downloads), integrated pop-up blocker, reference groups.

File commander with 2 windows

More then 80 SKINS

Download: 1'st ZipCommander 12/10/2008