A Peek at Windows 7 RC1 Interface Changes
Microsoft is listening to you, and here’s what it’s done
Microsoft’s Windows 7 team has been pretty quiet for the last month and a half since releasing their beta to the public, and many wondered what, if any, changes were going to show up in the final version of Windows 7. Microsoft’s senior vice president in charge of the Windows group, Steven Sinofsky, this week broke the company’s silence, telling about how Microsoft has taken in user feedback from its beta and used it to fix over 2,000 bugs.
Now Microsoft has posted a long Windows 7 blog detailing some of these user-inspired changes that are included in the Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of Windows 7. The changes include tweaks to virtually every area of the OS’s operation. In this first segment, we’ll look at some of the interface changes that will affect the user experience in the OS.
Read more: dailytech.com