Auto CMS, the smallest CMS,all the necessary in the minimal space.
The smallest CMS,all the necessary in the minimal space,provided all the minimum it needs to have presence on Internet, these are the qualities of this CMS:
– You can select the theme in control panel
– Less than 10kb in the main file,with initial values,
– No database required
– Only one user (Admin)
– Password is protected with md5
– Css styles easy for built and to change
– Very very fast for charge of page
– XHTML and CSS Valid by W3C!
– Store Data in php file
– To make the data backup , do download by FTP of one file
– The generated contents are friendly for the searchers.
– The result is visualized correctly in all browsers.
Finally and it but important, you update all contents without having knowledges of programming.
Download: Auto CMS 1.3