AutomationBox Tools 1.0
AutomationBox Tools are a free set of command line tools for the automation of recurring actions. These utilities enable you to easily automate the most complex actions, including those that require input from a graphical interface.
AutomationBox Tools include components for:
– Interactive selection of objects on the screen and obtaining information about them.
– Searching for objects using templates and managing them.
– Entering text and controlling applications by emulating keypresses and mouse movements.
– Automatic creation of screenshots.
Possessing an advanced command line interface, the tools can be easily combined with each other and external applications for outstanding results. You can also use AutomationBox Tools in combination with other automation solutions, which almost infinitely expands their area of application.
Due to this extraordinary flexibility, AutomationBox Tools can act as “building blocks†for quick creation or various auxiliary automation solutions.
A unique technology is used for interacting with graphics interfaces – it allows you to select even the smallest elements, such as lines in lists, links or paragraphs on web pages, shortcuts on the desktop and so forth.
The combination of flexibility, modern technologies and zero price makes AutomationBox Tools an indispensable tool for any experienced user.
Download: AutomationBox Tools 1.0