Avast Secure Browser

Enjoy safer browsing that’s up to 4x faster
Browse faster without ads
Avast Secure Browser automatically blocks online ads to drastically improve website load time. Hide all ads, or just the most intrusive, so you can browse uninterrupted.
Do what you want online, securely
With advanced security built directly into your browser, you can browse, shop, and bank safely on any website.
Prevent hackers from stealing your data
Hide everything you type online to keep your sensitive data safe.
Block malicious websites and downloads
Protect your device from threats with powerful anti-phishing technology.
Automatically force websites to use encryption
Make sure supported websites use encryption to secure your data
Keep your personal data personal
What you do online is your business, which is why we’ve included several layers of privacy protection to prevent online tracking and to mask your digital identity.
Block online tracking
Stay private online by preventing third parties from tracking you.
Mask your digital identity
Stop websites from identifying you based on your unique browser profile.
Get alerts if your login info is leaked
Monitor your email address to ensure your passwords haven’t leaked online.
Easily manage your security & privacy settings in one place
Download : Avast Secure Browser