Beerwin’s PlainHtml 7.0.1

by admin January 4, 2010 at 12:04 pm

Beerwin’s PlainHtml is one of the best HTML editors on the internet today. With hundreds of features and tools, PlainHTML is a complete and solid power tool for the today’s web developer.

There are lots of code snippets, ready to be built into your work. Internal and external tools are ready to help you to complete a task.

Several programming and scripting references are built into the program, for the case you get stuck.

You have problems with your page layout, because it does’nt look the same in different browsers? Just let HTML Tidy do it for you! PlainHTML has HTML Tidy support buit in, and you can quickly make your HTML script standards compliant!


Integrated FTP client
Export to HTML, RTF and TEX
Interactive startpage
Word Wrap
Embedded code highlighting
Save/reload window lists (Save your opened documents’ list and reload those documents by two clicks)
Single instance (PlainHTML is started only once)
Window list dialog (for faster document switching)
Full drag and drop support (accepts files dropped everywhere on it’s window, text can be dragged&dropped between document windows)
Application-level Double edit protection (a document cannot be opened twice or more)
Integrated IE preview (With double screen support)
Configurable toolbars
Configurable editor
Preview from localhost
PHP error check (needs php and webserver installed)
HTML validation
Tag wizards
Built-in HTML templates (with update possibility – Extender)
Table layouts (with update possibility – Extender)
Code Snippets
Quick tag insertion from the Side Bar
Toolbuttons for most of HTML tags
Syntax Highlighting
Full entity list
Color picker with 5 color sets + Custom palette with save-reload function
Runs on Windows Vista

Download: Beerwin’s PlainHtml 7.0.1