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Bricksmith 1.5

Bricksmith allows you to create virtual instructions for your Lego creations on your Mac. The magic is based on the LDraw library, a collection of 3D models of Lego building blocks created by enthusiasts from around the world. With Bricksmith, you never have to worry about running out of parts!

Bricksmith’s raison d’?ɬ™tre is to wed Lego building with the ravishing beauty of a genuine Macintosh interface?¢‚Ǩ‚Äùa union which has hitherto been lacking. In addition, Bricksmith offers:

?Ǭ? a fast, comprehensive part browser provides access to thousands of parts
?Ǭ? a full Lego color palette at your disposal
?Ǭ? support for steps and submodels
?Ǭ? undo, cut, copy, and paste
?Ǭ? drag-and-drop reordering of file contents
?Ǭ? multiple viewports

Download: Bricksmith 1.5 Requires Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) or later

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