ClicksAndWhistles 2.7.15
ClicksAndWhistles is a free IRC client for Windows. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet text messaging allowing you to communicate with others in IRC channels (chat rooms) and one-to-one communication via private messages. You can also connect directly with another user to chat or send/receive files.
There are hundreds of IRC networks and thousands of IRC servers providing channels covering a wide variety of topics; you can even start your own channel with little or no fuss. Websites such as Search IRC and let you search for channels on specific topics.
The latest version has the following features:
– Support for multiple “identities”
– Support for multiple server connections
– Channel favourite list
– Floating (desktop), MDI and tabbed windows
– Connection Tree and Connection Monitor
– Themes, PNG image backgrounds and outline fonts
– Pop-up and sound event notifications
– Unicode (UTF-8) support
– Text formatting (coloured and bold/italic/underline fonts) with format bar
– Keyword highlighting and sound notification
– Channel and user logging
– File transfers (DCC SEND) and direct chat (DCC CHAT)
– “Connection scripts” (a simple list of commands to run once connected)
– Macros (use one command to automatically run a series of other commands)
– Customizable message text
Works on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Download: ClicksAndWhistles 2.7.15