Consumer Reports tests suggest iPhone 6 ‘bend-gate’ a bit overblown
“It seemed like a serious concern, yet everything about the uproar was highly unscientific. We don’t like unscientific, so we promised then that we would use our lab equipment to find out just how delicate the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus really are.”
So begins a new report at Consumer Reports describing the results of its tests of the true bend-ability of the iPhone 6. The tests found that the two new iPhones withstood significantly more stress before bending than Apple requires before giving its stamp of approval.
Nor were Apple’s new phones the first to bend and break compared to other popular phones.
A storm of reports emerged this week about the sturdiness of the new devices, as well as a very viral video of some dude bending an iPhone 6 with his bare hands.
Apple said it has received only nine complaints on the issue. Two engineers close to Apple told me they’d be surprised if there was any real problem, but acknowledged that it was an embarrassment for Apple.
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