DGAVCDec 1.0.1 by admin September 26, 2008 at 9:00 pm Audio/Media/Video 0 Comment DGAVCDec is an Avisynth source filter for AVC/H.264 streams. Download: DGAVCDec 1.0.1 Share This Post: Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest Post navigation ‹ Previous Spam Control 0.2.3Next › Microsoft Phone Data Manager Beta Related Content VideoInspector REAPER 4.77 Mp3tag 2.65 ProgDVB 7.07.2 more news from the blog KDE 4.3.0 for Windows TrayDevil 1.4.4 IBM unveils water-cooled 3D chip prototype Microsoft e-mails detail Vista woes DVD Jon strikes again Microsoft bug-checking tools promise fewer crashes Windows 7 Codecs (x64 Components) Adobe snaps up Omniture for $1.8bn ActiveSync 4.5 VIA HD Audio Driver V560c AMD Launches “Black Edition” Athlon 64 X2 5000+ LoseThos 6.13 Nokia has another shot with Linux Ziepod 1.0 EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 Microsoft to launch beta of Internet Explorer 8 Thief 1.5 CORE FORCE R0.95 WinPcap 4.1 Beta 5 Google Preps Blogger For The Enterprise Photoshop for Windows Mobile, Sort of Lansweeper Can Google beat the new-office curse? Microsoft SQL Server StreamInsight CTP2 Forum started to discuss about Tech related topics IcoFX 1.6.4 Lazy Mirror 9.1 WinPwn AIM Beta 2 / Final Windows Live Sync 14.0.8050.1202 Tim Berners-Lee admits to falling for online scam Virtual Woman Millennium .96 Microsoft promises Vista Beta 2 for next year