FoxEditor is a plain text editor for WindowsXP, based on SynEdit engine.
Multi-interfaced (SDI or MDI);
Support large files;
Syntax highlight for many popular formats (html, pascal, c++…)
Limited support Unicode (ansi compatible symbols only) and UTF8;
Running external programs (compilers) and capture console output;
Support templares and tags;
Save cursor position for opened files;
Fast swith between text and HTML view;
Fast insert HTML tags;
Support all encodings, installed in system;
Support Windows/UNIX/Mac file formats;
Fast comment/decomment string (press Ctrl+/);
Search with regular expressions;
Individual settings, autocomplete (CTRL+J) and run program for each file type;
Highlight hyperlinks (press CTRL+ALT);
Extended open/save dialogs (with preview and list of favorite folders);
Easy copy highligted text in any RTF/HTML editor;
Export to RTF/HTML formats;
Special mode for comfortable reading (ReadMode);
Fast access for favorite documents and folders;
Convert BIN/OCT/DEC/HEX values;
Support many cryptographic algorithms (DES, IDEA, RC4…);
Multilanguage interface;
Print with many settings;
Themes support;
SpellChecking (support MSOffice and ASpell);
File explorer;
Find in files.
Download: FoxEditor