Foxit Reader 3.0 for U3
Foxit Reader for U3 is a Foxit Reader specifically built for the U3 smart drive, with almost all features available from the desktop version of Foxit Reader. Foxit Reader for U3 supports Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Foxit Reader for U3 is extremely small, fast and easy-to-use. With the new version for U3, you can walk to any PC and open a PDF file without worrying about whether the huge competitor PDF Reader is installed. The PDF file itself can reside either on the PC or on the U3 drive. And Foxit Reader for U3 launches within seconds, so you don’t have to wait for an annoying “Welcome” splash window to disappear. Then you can start enjoying the following functions for free:
· Viewing or printing PDF documents
· Filling out PDF forms and saving them
· Viewing PDF as text
· Downloading free critical add-ons, such as JPEG2000/JBIG decoders, as well as the Eastern Asian language package.
Download: Foxit Reader 3.0 for U3