ISP Monitor 5.7.5
ISP Monitor grabs the statistics from your providers website and keeps track of them. You will know exactly how much volume you have used at any time.
The built-in Traffic Monitor will show your current network speed. Select from 3 different graphic modes, all customizable to fit your needs.
No matter how much you want to download, you need free space on your hard disk! Our Disk Monitor can give you a quick overview of all your drives. The Disk Monitor shows your total and free space and even hard disk activity.
Advanced Auto-Update. If a new version is available it will be automatically downloaded and installed to your computer in a matter of seconds. You’ll never miss out on any new features or important bug fixes this way.
News and Mail Tracker. Shows a popup when you receive new mail or when your favorite site gets updated. You can easily add your own news feeds and mail accounts. Using the news panel you can also browse the latest headlines.
Test your Internet speed. Make sure you are getting the speed you actually pay for. Test your upstream, downstream, ping and packet loss and compare them with others.
Disk Monitor. No matter how much you want to download, you need free space on your hard disk! Our Disk Monitor can give you a quick overview of all your drives. The Disk Monitor shows your total and free space and even hard disk activity.
DDE Support. Allows other software like mIRC to read data from ISP Monitor.
Download: ISP Monitor 5.7.5