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Microsoft Dials For Dollars

Microsoft is headed down a new path with a raft of software designed to unify the corporate communications experience.

In San Francisco, the company will say it can “transform business communications” by integrating the phone with Microsoft products, according to a statement from the software giant.

Such unification will be the next advance in how individuals, groups and organizations work in what Jeff Raikes, president of Microsoft’s Business Division, in a statement called “today’s 24×7, always-connected and increasingly mobile work environment.”

As part of the launch of new products, Microsoft will unveil a 360-degree videoconference camera, as well as software for IP phones and USB headsets. HP, Motorola and Siemens have been named as partners in the new communications thrust.

“Basically, this is same old, same old, but bundled,” said Joe Wilcox, analyst with JupiterResearch. Microsoft Exchange server was the software goliath’s unified communications product.

Full article: internetnews.com

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