Mindity is a personalized newsfeed service that serves a community of web users by enabling them to explore the “Really Simple Syndication” (RSS) space on a single platform across a variety of feed formats.
It is designed for people who want to stay on top of the news and never miss the latest and hottest stories, wherever their interests may lie.
Mindity is not just an RSS reader. It is a network of people participating in the reading, sharing and rating of information gleaned from a host of published sources on the web. Mindity makes it easy to find like-minded people, webblogs and stories that are tailored to your interests and preferences. The Mindity network tracks your reading habits without compromising your privacy and gives you only the most relevant information, in real time.
Mindity is free to download. No spyware or malware inside.
System requirements: Windows Vista or Windows XP with Microsoft .NET 3.0 Framework
Download: Mindity