Mp3 Renamer 2.3
This is the easiest to use Mp3 Renamer. With this program you can easily rename your mp3 files. With this tricky and fast tool, your mp3 files like “03_-_barry_white_-_songname-by_me.mp3” will be renamed to “Barry White – Songname.mp3” or if you want to leave for example the tracknumber, it will be renamed to “03 – Barry White – Songname.mp3”. There are many different options available to be used in Mp3 Renamer. And the best is, totally free!
Mp3 Renamer has also the fastest way to rename your mp3s, the Quick Fixer. Simply mouse right click any of your computer mp3 files and you will have “Quick Fix with Mp3 Renamer” button in the menu. By clicking it, you will get your mp3 file automatically renamed clean in one second! Any faster ways? Absolutely no!
Download: Mp3 Renamer 2.3