Optimal Desktop Standard Edition 5.0 r222
Optimal Desktop empowers you to browse the web your way!
Optimal Desktop’s tabbed system makes it easy to bookmark Internet links, RSS feeds, files and folders and access them all from the same window. Simply create a new group (Drawer) and drag any link into this new drawer. Optimal Desktop will automatically assign an icon to your new tab and display the content in the window!
Bookmarking makes browsing the web easier!
If you are like most of us, you probably have more than a few favorite destinations (News, Search, Sports, Hobbies, Consumer Reports, etc). Optimal Desktop makes it real easy to organize, access and share your favorite destination.
Browse the web in a new way with RSS!
Blog sites and almost every portal offer RSS feeds to their popular content. With Optimal Desktop you simply drag the RSS links to the edge of the window and you are subscribed to that feed. Just like email, every time there is an update to the feed you subscribed to you will be notified!
Optimal Desktop comes with two RSS wizards. One lets you search online from a library of feeds and another let’s you define your own keywords and have one the most popular information aggregators (Moreover) do the search for you.
Optimal Desktop is built on IE technology. You need windows and IE 6.0 or better to work with Optimal Desktop.
You can use the Standard Edition for Free.
Download: Optimal Desktop Standard Edition 5.0 r222 | Optimal Desktop Mobile Edition