Orb 2.52.0033
Orb is an award winning service that combines the use of an internet media portal and a proprietary software application. Orb leverages the best in already available technology (hi-speed broadband, Wi-Fi, wireless internet access and sophisticated portable devices) to provide a brand new way for people to connect with their digital media in the manner “how, when and where” they most desire. In short, Orb provides the ability to “MyCast”. MyCasting gives the user instant access to photos, music, videos, live television, and other digital content on their home PC at anytime and from any internet-connected device, such as a mobile phone, PDA or laptop. MyCasting is media anywhere.
Orb is based on an elegant, robust and scalable architecture and is the first of its kind to allow consumers mobile access to all of their digital media. Orb’s software architecture leverages the best features of today’s popular standards while abiding by current digital rights management solutions. The Orb embedded Solution is a set of software platform capabilities which the consumer electronics device manufacturer can port and integrate in its devices to differentiate its connected product lines, and build media and services management applications, rapidly, efficiently.
Once you’ve downloaded and installed Orb to your home PC, login to mycast.orb.com, using any internet-connected device with a streaming media player (mobile phone, PDA, laptop) and start MyCasting all your digital media anywhere anytime. Orb is also compatible with all major gaming consoles  the Wii, PS3 and Xbox  so you can now enjoy your media on your TV screen as well!
System Requirements: Windows Vista, Windows XP (Home or Professional) with Service Pack 2, or Windows XP Media Center Edition (2004 or 2005).
Download: Orb 2.52.0033