Record Editor 0.65c
Record Editor is a Programmers Data-file editor, similar to the Mainframe Editor – File-Aid or Net-Cobols Cobol-Editor. The Editor is written in java (1.4) so should run on most Computer Systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux etc). The RecordEditor has the following uses:
– Viewing/editing Fixed field length data files (i.e. fields occupy the same columns in every record. A typical file might be- Columns 1 to 8 Product, Columns 9 to 16 Quantity etc).
– Viewing/editing CSV (i.e. Comma / Tab separated fields) files
– Reading / Writing Record orientated files in JAVA.
This program uses a Record-Layout definition to display the data file in a Human Readable Form. It can handle both PC (Text and Binary) and native IBM Mainframe (Text and Binary) file formats.
These Record-Layouts are stored in a Database. There is an option to import Cobol Record Layouts into the Database plus screens to edit the Record Layouts.
Download: Record Editor 0.65c