slimKEYS 1.2.8069
slimKEYS is a Universal HotKey Manager that monitors the global hotkeys of your choice, and informs hotkey handlers when their associated hotkeys are pressed. Each type of hotkey handler (also known as a hotkey provider) is a simple managed DLL implementing a few abstract classes.
The current version already comes with the following built-in plug-ins:
:: slimSIZE: Change the current window’s position, size or monitor location to any area of your choice. You can define multiple areas, each relative to any corner, side or center of any monitor.
:: slimLAUNCH: Open applications, documents or folders by typing a few letters from their name. The handler sorts items by relevance strength, based on first letters of each word, consecutive letters, and previously used launch commands. You can also launch those often used applications directly with a hotkey.
:: slimVOLUME: Change and display the volume level when you use your keyboard’s volume control, or any other hotkey of your choice.
Download: slimKEYS 1.2.8069 | Screenshots