Arclab Thumb Studio 2.1
Thumb Studio Freeware – Image Gallery, Slideshow and Web Photo Album Software
Web Album and Slideshow Software
Thumb Studio is an easy to use image gallery, thumbnail, slideshow and web photo album creator for everyone. Its also an image converter, which allows you to create 3 different image sizes at once, convert them to a different format.
The program not only contains several drafts, which could be customized, the software also allows you to create a custom album or slideshow in the design your homepage. It is very easy – all you have to do is to select the position in your custom template and the program does the rest. It allows a seemless integration, were you can define exactly how it should look like.
Customization and Watermarks
All attributes can be customized: image size, rows, columns, color, fonts, spacing, width, buttons … It can also be used to add a visible watermark to your images (*). The watermark can be an image with an alpha-channel (layer) for true transparency, which can be arranged at different positions and lets you define attributes like size, opactiy and spacing.
(*) Watermark not available in free version
Thumb Studio includes EXIF support to read information like blend, apperture … from your digital images. It also allows to add metatag informaton like IPTC/JPEG comments for copyright notices or image descriptions.
Free, No Sign-up required
Thumb Studio does not require to sign-up for a photo-sharing service. You can upload the images to your own webserver/webspace or use it as off-line album. (HTML output)
Arclab Thumb Studio Free is licensed for private use only.
for Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Windows 7.
Download: Arclab Thumb Studio Free 2.1