Valhalla Chat 0.2.2b
Valhalla Chat is an Instant Messenger for bluetooth devices.
An instant messenger in general terms, offers (at least) typed text communication between users, just like: AIM, Microsoft messenger, Yahoo! messenger, Jabber, Skype and so on.
However, there’s a big difference with Valhalla Chat and all these messaging systems. All these programs need a internet connection or at least a local network set up before connecting to each other.
Valhalla Chat doesn’t need a network or any kind of setup. The two important requirements for Valhalla Chat are:
· A bluetooth-able device, which can be a desktop/laptop, pda or mobile phone
· To be in range of at least another Valhalla chat user. Your range will be something from 10 to 100 meters.
And yes, this program is free software and will always be. Forget about “pro” , “extended” or any other fancy names to ask for money.
Download: Valhalla Chat 0.2.2b | Screenshots Windows XP SP2, Mac, Linux, Mobile Phone